Thursday, 24 February 2011

Human Anatomy Renderings

I know this blog is all over the place and not very consistant, but really that's just how I work >.> Alittle of this, alittle of that, it's just kind of messy.

So briefly leaving the environment behind, I started working on my main character "Yusei". Started off with a very blocky block and started to slowly shape him, now he's looking less blocky.
Just a screenshot to see how I'm (trying) to match muscles and vertex's:

I can't find the original maya render I was working on but these images also helped me establish basic anatomy points:

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Cities & Slums

Just some good examples of contrast in the environment. I like to make plenty of sketches before I start rendering in Maya...
I think the last image will be the most useful to me, since there's a body of water that seperates the "Neo Domino City" and "Satellite Slum" in my environment.

The slums in these images are from poorer countries though (with the exception of the 2nd image. That's Detroit, USA!) My slums will feature more run-down tall buildings than small slum houses.

Will try and get some sketches of environment work uploaded as soon as possible :)

Neo Domino City and Satelite Slums

In todays lecture, we were told about trying to convey a story within our environment and basically want to get the viewer intrested and curious, but at the same time familiar with where they are. Another intresting point was trying to avoid cliches and try to minimize the work load using good camara angles.

First, alittle back story for the "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's" character "Yusei"; A boy who lives in a city torn between the rich and prosperous Neo Domino City and the filthy forgotten slums that are cut off from the main city, called Satellite. Yusei grew up in the Satellite with a keen eye for mechanics, and builds himself a "Duel Runner" (this worlds motorbikes; they play card games on them :) ) with dreams of one day crossing over to Neo Domino City.
Here are some official images of the two contrasting environments:-

Neo Domino City;


Will post another blog shortly looking at other contrasting slums and cities to get a better picture of what my environment should look like... :S

Thursday, 3 February 2011

I need this...!

omg omg omg! Ahem, in all seriousness, I think I need this toy... know, to study and stuff so I can model it better.

(This is true, it'll probably help :) )